It's as much a testament to the talented voice actors, writers and artists as it is to the commitment of Murray's original vision.
Even during Season Four, after Murray handed the series over to producer Stephen "Spongebob" Hillenburg, the subversive, surreal spirit of Rocko was still present. By and large, this four-season run is remarkably consistent in quality: though Murray and members of his creative team felt that Rocko hit its stride during Season Three, there's very little dead weight in any of these 52 episodes. Creator Joe Murray has admitted to not writing Rocko with younger audiences in mind, aiming for unexpected stories that didn't rely on conventional cartoon methods.

Rocko's Modern Life differs from most cartoons of the era, in that it's unquestionably aimed at adults. Though many of the syndicated episodes trimmed away some of Rocko's more "offensive" bits, what's left is still a sterling example of animation for immature children of all ages. Created by animator Joe Murray, this wasn't the first animated series from that era with a semi-regular dosage of off-color sight gags (see also: Ren and Stimpy, Animaniacs, etc.), but Rocko certainly got away with plenty of close calls during its original broadcast run.
Rocko's Modern Life was a true "cartoon's cartoon", chock full of wacky plots, questionable physics and very little running continuity.and fans wouldn't have it any other way. 52 two-part weekly episodes starred Rocko the wallaby and a small cast of supporting characters, including his dog Spunky, friend Heifer and neighbors The Bigheads. As one of the many bright spots in 1990s animation, Rocko's Modern Life (1993-96) picked up a strong following during its time on Nickelodeon.